Saturday, 5 March 2016

Faulty Internet

When I start using my computer I never think about how it works, or about how internet works. I just open it and there I go. Well, I don’t know why, but today I am. Which is scaring me. I did a little research and realized, at least according to me, that it’s alarmingly faulty. Should you be thinking about viruses, software problems, hacking, encryption, speed or clouds problems, etc., you’re SO wrong. None of those. Wherefore material cables, even advanced fiber optic, are the main problems: that’s what you should be worried about. Isn’t it wireless too? Of course it is, but to the final users only, however relying on physical cables vulnerable to attacks….Let me say “ouch”! Let’s all thank cybersecurity meanwhile.
Most worrisome, there isn’t an updated global map on the Internet’s highways: everybody assumes/hopes so by thinking someone else knows, but nobody does. Maybe it’s wanted/conceived this way for security reasons. But what the result would be?
To begin with, let’s forget about Google, Apple, Amazon, Twitter, Microsoft...our bank accounts. Everything on-line, basically all gone!
That’s the “best” and only initial scenario: in case of a coordinated attack on multiple locations, that would even turn into a global nightmare. Difficult to achieve? Nope, not even that. There are websites that list some (thank God only some) of them with relative I.X.P. (Internet exchange points). So someone here and there DOES know, hence with a great amount of patience a global map could be realized by the proper, let’s say generally speaking, security forces. Or by someone else, who cares, or should we wait for a disaster before mapping it all?! And consequently secure it all?! Are we all naïfs?
At this point the question is how that’s possible. Because they’re almost all privately held. And with the help of more private companies some businesses are rightly trying to solve the problem. Zayo, Allied Fiber, Integra (to name a few), are building alternative fiber networks. Lighter, still private, however at least a routing diversification, less subject to possible attacks.
How do you see Internet now? I guess not so amorphous anymore. Do you see why I am so scared? Do you remember the movie: “The unbearable lightness of being”? I’m old enough to recall it. I wonder how come nobody has already shooted “The unbearable lightness of Internet”. That’s only the physical part. It doesn’t end there: at that point my mind began to jump, which is a very good thing (that’s when I start connecting better).
Wherefore internet is feared by the authoritarian states, filtered by the semi-authoritarian ones, monitored by Western democracies (?), manipulated by the less democratic (Western States), obstructed by some Asian ones…Thank God also a crucial, important tool through which human rights activists mobilize the entire planet, climbing over those undemocratic Countries. Using a defective, yet very powerful instrument.
We can express, share ideas and our freedom in the openness of the internet. Even if it’s a faulty internet. “MEDIUM”: you’re most welcome!
I am not concerned about potential legal, economic, security challenges raised by this crucial medium: solutions will be found. I’m worried by more and more governments censoring information of public interest, wherefore the aim of such restrictions is/would be to protect views on religion, morality, powerful figures, leaders’ popularity and so on. North Korea and Sony website hacking is THE perfect example.
Someone might argue above actions (at least some) are inevitable because freedom without interdependence is impossible: an internet human chain spans the globe and only a perception of freedom can be guaranteed, exactly because we’re all linked (figuratively as well).
Maybe it’s true.
Conversely, let’s not forget that only a truly open platform can guarantee innovation, learning, free expression, human rights values, fuel the global economy, ultimately increasing productivity and consequently creating jobs. It ALL depends on a merely single, individual duty/right.
There is so much work to be done in order to perfect this world web. Maybe it will always remain imperfect. However needed. Individually, we can do only one thing on our own: let’s watch out for our uttermost right (on/for internet as well), all together. Which is FREEDOM.
And let’s hope the material, faulty components of the system will always do their part in order to maintain this supreme right. I’ve started using “MEDIUM”, tonight I’ll sleep. Confident. (Gosh! I’m twisted!)
….Always humble,

(What might you need in your life? Please kindly visit: What do you lack ?)

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