Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Mass hysteria

I admired Hollande when he decided to take in 30,000 more Syrian refugees in spite of recent attacks. Wherefore the choice between security and liberty is a false one: if we lose liberty, there is no security. Over what?! One possible terrorist among 500,000 refugees? And even that one was most probably meant, conceived to create an anti-Syrian backlash.
I’ve already said it and now repeating it: the Caliphate strategy is to divide Muslims and non-Muslims and the success of it depends only on us, not them.

Stigmatize, categorize, dehumanize, spreading fear are not difficult to avoid, if you choose to be intelligent and fearless: over fearfulness we make bad decisions. After the Paris attacks our resolve to help refugees should be stronger than ever, not weaker. Not turning them away, but managing them. Properly. So far where governments have failed volunteers have stepped in: how long will it last “organized” like that? Volunteers are the real heroes, by far. Not someone else. Why don’t they provide humanitarian assistance instead of leaving it solely to volunteers?! They shouldn’t be pressured to act in that way, on the contrary it should be taken for granted according to our democratic values.
Governments are very well organized to help in emergency situations in developing countries, whereas are utterly unprepared in this case: but this has been an excuse for too long.

We should be grateful to refugees, because acting grateful itself can make us grateful according to Christians values, raising our happiness. And choosing happiness brings out the best of us: the opposite of what ISIS wants. See? We are SO much better than them! If we express gratitude, we will receive gratitude. One single terrible night in Paris must not, at all costs, diminish our sense of humanity and responsibility.

The hysteria surrounding the Syrian refugees is a victory for ISIS because the aim of terrorism is to scare governments and their population: capitulation to fear should be the first reaction to avoid. 2000 years ago there was another refugee, named Jesus. And there’s an ENTIRE Country made solely (well, let’s say 99%) by migrants. If we don’t learn from history, we’re so doomed.

….Always humble,



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