Saturday, 31 October 2015

You can't be wrong

It happens / has happened / will happen to (almost certainly) everybody.

One day, along our glorious path of an entire lifetime, we meet a scholarly wiseacre persuaded of infinite knowledge, pretending to know everything and being capable of doing anything.

My dear friends, have no doubt and feel no subservient: that human being is a faultless model of the purest imbecile.

….Always humble,


Friday, 30 October 2015

Natural qualities

Talking about mankind is based on the idea that it must be what sunder and distinguish men from nature.

Such separation doesn’t exist: “natural” qualities and those commonly called “human” are inseparably interlaced.

Man, with his higher and noble capabilities, is utterly pure nature carrying both sides of it: ill-natured and good-natured.

All his disturbing and soothing attitudes, as a whole, are considered a part of the existence.

On that fertile and fruitful terrain ONLY, we can thrive and luxuriate creating movements of our souls expressed by our material and immaterial representations.

….Always humble,


Never postpone

 Self-esteem can’t be deferred to a questionable tomorrow.

The majority of us wait to be felicitous when successful, earning plenty of money (and when rich even more richer), meeting the right partner…

By doing so we’re prisoners of our patterns: our inner me is our enemy.

Instead, try saying: I do what I can within my possibilities, I don’t lament for past weak efforts or for never trying, I am not frustrated for what I haven’t achieved or what I haven’t become.

I am the tree my lymph has been able to nourish.

Nevertheless, I BELONG to a wood!

….Always humble,


Thursday, 29 October 2015

Peace or not?!

One of the worst attitudes in lifetimes is creating troubles of our own making. Creating them, amplifying them, in vicious circle: Palestinians and Israelis. Incapable of breaking the paralysis in their internal politics. Incapable of learning from historically repeated mistakes.

Repeated offers rejected from both sides. Now there’s one more complication: Palestinians split between Gaza and West Bank without a single, legitimate authority to approve a deal. On the other hand Israel appears giving up democracy, disproportionately retaliating back each single time.

Not to mention settlement building and not in any location, but in West Bank (70,000 settlers), where a Palestinian State should be instead. What are their genuine intentions: expanding territories?! They shouldn’t forget the creation of the Gaza Camp where 750,000 Palestinians went to make space for Israelis, in 1948.

Maybe THAT was the root of the problem: creating the Israeli State without concurrently creating the Palestinian State?

Anyway diplomacy is lacking in both sides: only this appears to be in common. There must be also something in between, though. There has to be some alternative to do nothing and doing everything, between committing suicide and omicide.

Both sides are slowly giving up: do they want peace or not?!

….Always humble,


A part of Universe

You’re a limited portion of it, experimenting thoughts and sensations in the optic illusion of conscience, wherefore separated from all the rest.  

This illusion is a sort of prison, limiting our personal desires and our affection to a few number of people closest to us.

It’s our duty to get rid of such a prison embracing with our compassion all living creatures and nature’s beauty.

Enlarge your limited part.

….Always humble,


Wednesday, 28 October 2015

No limits

One day you’ll wake up. No more oblivion.

You’ll finally see who you are and who the owner of your existence is:

a fallacious mind, misleading and enslaving.

Mankind has no limits.

One day it will realize it, liberating its forsooth universal potential.

….Always humble,


Tuesday, 27 October 2015


We are born neutral.

External influences prevail along the paths of existences, without control.

Governments change. Wars, revolutions, popular movements. So we learn.

Sentiments, convictions, opinions, habits, thoughts.

Love, inexistent desires we’re taught to wish, cravings we wouldn’t have. And …. Hate.

But we ARE born neutral. I STILL desire to believe it.

Believe it, to comprehend so many somber facts and so few joyous ones.

….Always humble,


Monday, 26 October 2015


A plause to Europe! Just a week ago has rejected the major scientifically proven cause of cancer of modern days: genetically modified crops! Many of you won’t agree, but it’s not up to me or you to decide what’s best. It’s up to scientific research and relative tons of data (publicly available).

Billions of money spent for lobbying and pandering politicians haven’t worked. Real, HONEST science has prevailed. Hypocrisy rules: pretending to be safer and cheaper G.M.O.s found a slammed door in Europe. Truth is many Indian farmers who tried these crops are now bankrupt and starving: run your own search on internet if you don’t believe me. Hypocrisy continues declaring (and pretending) a scientific consensus to “privately” conducted researches on G.M.O.s, which of course are commissioned by the selfsame Companies selling their own products….and of course we’re ALL stupid. I personally buy all my vegetables from local farmers. Guess what?! They have the cheapest prices available around and jobs are safeguarded.

Hypocrisy goes on talking of historic injustice perpetrated to G.M.O. companies. Or even boycott! The opposite is true: they survive only because of EXTREMELY heavy lobbying perpetrated to corrupted governments. Wherever there’s no possibility of bribery and graft they miserably fail.

Weeks wouldn’t be enough to talk about this “peculiar” selling system, but that’s not the point: they can do what repute best to. Thank God only facts count in life. So I recommend you: just search on your own how dangerous and carcinogenic G.M.O.s are.


….Always humble,


The right choice

It happens to all of us not to be sure of what we’re doing.

Pick up a quite place where there aren’t any external noises to disturb you.

Close your eyes, breath deeply, imagine placing your desires into your heart.

Should you feel a light heart sensation of well-being, rediscovering your peacefulness:

your choice is proving you right.

….Always humble,


Sunday, 25 October 2015

What we need

How many times we question ourselves….

We always think we could achieve more, pretending more.

If we’re doing something slowly, we’re retarding in that diretion only.

Wherefore we’re doing other things as well, consciously or unconsciously: we aren’t aware of some

realities we can’t control.

Don’t be too harsh: the exact action you’re doing in a precise moment is what you require during
that period.

….Always humble,


Saturday, 24 October 2015

Knowing is loving

One who knows nothing, loves nothing.

One who does nothing, understands nothing.

And one who understands nothing is contemptible.

But one who understands can love, watch, see.

A higher level of knowledge is inseparably linked to a higher level of love.

Learn to love.

….Always humble,


Friday, 23 October 2015


Don’t think about it as your enemy, as a weakness.

Consider it as an instant sequence of paralysis and fugue.

A total departure from where we once were in danger.

Panic is not destruction. It’s preservation.

….Always humble,


Thursday, 22 October 2015


Whether we like it or not: we’re the cause of ourselves.

Being born in this world we fall into the illusion of our senses, believing what merely appears.

Ignoring instead we’re also blind and deaf.

Then we’re wrongly frightened, forgetting we’re also divine creatures able to modify events.

Even the zodiac.

TRULY BE the cause of yourself.

…..Always humble,


Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Appreciate your little

Each pleasure has a good nature, but it’s not a reason to chose them all.

Equally each distress has a bad nature, but some are necessary.

Ponder them based on advantages and detriments: we all have experienced what was supposed to
be good for us turning harmful and vice versa.

The same concept should be applied to our supposed needs. Not because we must always be
pleased with the very minimum, but to enjoy it if you don’t have more.

The less you depend on copiousness, the more you are pleased with it.

…..Always humble,


Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Green Energy

When we think about green energy we usually don’t associate it with poverty. We don’t think how lucky we are having access to many forms of energies, while poor Countries are still relegated to fuelwood and charcoal which, paradoxically, cost even more in spite of being natural. In Africa even electricity costs more: up to 10 USD per kilowatt-hour, while of course you know very well how much you pay for it in your industrialized Country.

This situation could turn into an opportunity: reducing poverty, increasing prosperity and safeguarding our planet. All poor Countries could turn to a regime of totally renewable energy, leading this kind of transformation in the entire world. Besides, luckily, almost all of them happen to be in places bathed in sunlight.

The point (yes, I always like to find the point) is that ONLY access to clean energy is the route out of poverty (not being able to afford other kinds): there are no other ways. From that, all other opportunities arise: access to education, reduction of pollution, improved health and ultimately improved economic conditions. Electrification boosts developments in any directions.

Because of pollution in industrialized Countries and poverty in others, the switch to green energy appears  to be (actually IT IS) the only solution in order to prevent further droughts, floods, storms and disease, all threatening our current level of civilization. Sustainability is the key.

We have had the carbon revolution, now we must create the low-carbon revolution where prosperity is in concert with, NOT against. Starting from poor Countries that definitely need it most.

…..Always humble,


Follow your soul

Do violence to your soul. Make your soul do violence to herself.

There won’t be another chance to redeem: life is short.

You have almost entirely consumed it without showing respect to her.

You respected others but not yourself.

If you’re looking for felicity, don’t place it in others’ souls.

….Always humble,


Monday, 19 October 2015

Intelligent technology

A future danger?

We are creating more and more complex technologies with great commitment and enthusiasm. I don’t see any harm in that, “so far”. “So far”…

What I don’t see is a direct proportional concern about the risks involved. There are already the first cases (the Cherokee Jeep hacked e.g. or even worse: malicious software pre-installed to steal data) representing a faint, midget glimpse of what is about to come and there won’t be anything in the middle: artificial intelligence will be totally at our service or totally against us.

And you? What are you seeing around you for the time being? We seem to search for the creation of pure artificial intelligence, NOT beneficial artificial intelligence. Of course I could be wrong (let’s hope). A higher autonomous intelligence would acquire more and more intelligence without our intervention. In a blink the evolution will skip millions of years: what happens to less evolved species?!

An evolved computer capable of achieving its own goals could be a real danger. So the only, important point is that those goals MUST be our goals: equally wealth for everyone, ultimately. Let’s go back to my above question: what do you see around you? Personally, I sadly have to reckon that people producing evolved technologies aren’t seeking equality.

What goals will their machines / computers / software / robots…. (let’s call all of them with the most appropriate name: artificial intelligence) be achieving?! Our aims or theirs? Unfair basis have already been laid: a highly perilous game whose goal is only profit, without foreseeing the ultimate price to be paid.

….Always humble,


"Better" or "worse"....

….complicates the problem.

If you think it all depends on your intentions, if you constantly compete with / compare to others to
be better (while you think being worse), if you think to know yourself while making no distinction
between instinct and reason: you’re complicating your life in vain.

Your essence is like you’re. Now.

Accept this without easing nor aggravating your existence.

….Always humble,


Sunday, 18 October 2015

Who is happy?

All those feelings we can’t describe, all those sensations.

Truly joyousness? How can we be sure of our happiness? So many questions…

Then ask you one more, the most important: do you sense the communion with your inwardness?

If your answer is positive you’re most probably happy.

….Always humble,


Saturday, 17 October 2015

Plastic oceans

We must be aware of one thing: so far the oceans have saved our lives absorbing carbon dioxide, which otherwise would have already killed the planet. We can’t see it, but it’s there. The proof of what I’m saying is water acidification and more algal species producing more toxins. Along with increasing acidity the oceans are warming. But that’s not the end of the story, even if it could be more than enough! We throw in them plastic and pollutants.

In the frigid Arctic waters low temperatures allow a further increase in acidity and shelled creatures literally dissolve in corrosive conditions. Let’s all remember that the marine food chain starts from them. The oceans are the harbingers of our life cycle. There’s a very worrying FACT (measured by U.S. NOAA): the rate of CO2 increase has never been higher during the past three years.

These are the facts, like them/it or not. Having said this and considering currents move waters around the whole globe, no single nation is less affected than others. But some pollute more and those have more responsibility. This might go on forever: which is more reckless than others?

That’s the point. There are no others, them or us. No more. The planet is dying. The sooner we “accept” it, the better. No more blame: now only action remains, but this could be too easy, actually.

In reality it’s where the challenge lays. It’s tremendously difficult, because I don’t see the actions needed, do you?! Hence, what can we do? You already have the answer: each SINGLE time you can change your little something, go for it! If we collaborate all together, things will change.

My next car?! An electric one. And my plastic bags are all compostable. Change your attitude.

….Always humble,


Step after step

A centipede was living serene and peaceful.

Until a toad appeared one day joking: “what’s the exact order you’re putting foot after foot?”

The centipede began racking his mind and changed his way of walking, again and again.

With the result he never walked again.

Don’t overthink, enjoy your present life. Tomorrow is another day.

…..Always humble,


Friday, 16 October 2015

We are not indispensable

We never realize it too soon how invisible we are to the world.

Or how important we think we are! If we stop, the others will too, won’t they?!

Well, our lacuna will soon be filled with something (not even someone) much, much better than us.

WHETHER we’ll leave a lacuna at all.

…..(be) Always humble,


Thursday, 15 October 2015

My secret

Not to be easily noticed or understood.

Because you can’t see it.

What is worth in our life to be lived? How can you find it out?

Don’t use you eyes to discover it: the essential is invisible to them.

What is worth living for can be seen only with your heart.

Is it also the secret of happiness? It’s only up to you….

…..Always humble,


Wednesday, 14 October 2015


It’s not about material recycling. It’s about psychology, feeling good when helping the environment. And by doing so you want to help the nature in many other ways. The more you help, the more you feel better. Motivating people not by obliging them (or imposing a garbage tax) but by triggering an emotional change.

Long-term environmental problems call for long-term changes in human behaviour. Recycling is not perfect yet, but we’re rapidly getting there and suggesting it’s not viable (for the time being) is simply going back to medieval times with open sewages. Whatever the inefficiencies of the process may be, misinforming people is a crime against humanity.

Many people living in poverty lack the means for getting rid of organic and inorganic waste. Rich Countries have this capacity: they must lead and set an example, improving meanwhile all the technologies needed. Globally, much remains to be done: how many of you for example flush pharmaceuticals when expired, endangering wildlife and ecosystems?! It requires a change at all levels, like plastics recovery which is increasingly more efficient and widespread: now even organic plastic is being used (totally compostable).

Let’s not forget the most important alternative: reducing waste to begin with. Bottles to be reused, reusable grocery bags, buying bulk dry goods rather than individually packaged (even cheaper) and so on. Pretending we can throw plastic away without consequences define us as a stupid species.

We can all do so, so much better….don’t start tomorrow. Begin today!

…..Always humble,


Perspicuity of children

Adults never understand anything on their own.

It’s really annoying watching children eternally compelled to explain them about simplicity of life,

honesty, sincerity, purity, openness, gratitude, lack of prejudice, loyalty, generosity, ....LOVE!

Why is it SO difficult to learn?!

……Always humble,


Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Quality against quantity

Small instants of happiness occur every day: smelling a good perfume, touching a soft cloth, tasting

your preferred dish, enjoying the smile of your love.

Making our existence special.   

The frequency of happy moments is more important than their persisting in time.

Many little happinesses have more value than one major happy event.

…..Always humble,


Monday, 12 October 2015

Your best dress

We put it on for a purpose.

To meet an important person, for an elegant dinner, to appear in a certain way.

By doing so, we wear it for a wide variety of reasons. We project an image we supposedly like.

When we dress we look for that image, it’s a rite we enjoy.

But it’s wrong. Because we are valuing ourselves and putting that value into a dress.

Tomorrow morning pick up your most beautiful dress you have and wear it.

Just for your own pleasure: the way it should be.

….Always humble,


Sunday, 11 October 2015

Raise up

Life will throw plenty of sand, dirt and mud at you.

The secret to get by simply consists on shaking them off.

Get over it and raise up again.

Sand after sand, dirt after dirt, mud after mud.

…..Always humble,


Saturday, 10 October 2015


Do you fear transformation?

What could happen without it? What do Nature treasure the most in Universe? Can you have a
warm bath without the wood fire? Can you feed if the food doesn’t transform itself?

Our own transformation is no different: we grow up, ideas change, we evolve.

Transformation is instrinsic in all of us, part of a natural process.

Sadly, some people do not see this as a part of them: they don't transform, don't evolve.

…..Always humble,


Friday, 9 October 2015

Climate change

Catastrophic hurricanes and warmer ocean waters are becoming more and more regular news.

I hope we aren’t getting used to. What’s really at stake? Our civilization. Many of us don’t know our history but the climate has been stable just for the last 10,000 years. Now it’s getting unstable again, because of our fault this time: the equilibrium as we know it is disappearing. It all started in mid-1950s and now the impacts are obvious: chemical pollution, air pollution, massive loss of species and habitats and….climate change.

Which is the more troubling? Change of climate, because it leads to loss of the entire equilibrium. Forests, savannahs, coral reefs (already bleaching), grasslands, fish, mammals, bacteria, air quality, ice cover, temperature, fresh water availability, productive soils. Everything!

The planet’s adaptive capacities are terminated. Nature will adapt, we won’t. We think / pretend we will, but we won’t. Forests are showing signs of absorbing less carbon, oceans are rapidly acidifying harming fish, global temperatures keep rising: the saturation point is reached. The only problem is that human evolution is slow, very slow compared to nature evolution. So there won’t be extinction, but surely massive starvation (in Africa deserts are already constantly expanding).

My only point is this: are your kids comfortable with that future?!

Because I am NOT ! !

…..Always humble,



Listen to the noises around you: what do you hear?

Barely the mumble of your thoughts.

To regain harmony with surrounding environment and yourself listen to the sound of your breath,

whenever possible.

Perceiving your inner presence is a powerful healing

…..Always humble,


Thursday, 8 October 2015


It exists only when you abandon yourself without coercion.

Without fear of not being, not obtaining, not accumulating.

With austerity and simplicity there’s love.

And with love there is beauty and creation.

…..Always humble,


Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Israel and Palestine: the only solution

A troubled region since….I can remember it, with bullets flying in both directions. Devastating events from a legal, human, religious point of view. Opinions that I won’t argue. It’s really of no interest to me if both perpetrators have legal rights or not, my interest is in the solution, in God/Good and not in Evil.

Ending killings will require something better than adding more and more firepower, as Israel is doing. It will take more than denunciations and easy slogans. A true lasting and effective peace will require the most sincere form of moral and ethical reflection and selfless criticism, strongly followed by action. We can finally see the Palestinian flag at UN: this is the time. Leaders of both nations must find a way out of the long crisis while religious leaders should be concerned ONLY with the truth and well-being of others.

Rabbis and Imams must give ethical guidance, not incite to violence, as they are doing!

All of them possess the capacity to lead even the most darkened of human hearts to change. Synagogues and Mosques have only one religious aim: show the path toward bold, realistic solutions to the problem. THIS is the time, because never before I’ve seen the prevarications I’m seeing now against Palestinians.

Tomorrow might be too late.

…...Always humble,


What IS better for you?

In front of happiness is not advisable to follow the majority.

What is approved by the most is a bad interpreter of truth: our relationships with human
vicissitudes aren’t SO good to induce us to assume the best belongs to the most.

Focus on what’s the best thing to do, not what is commonly followed: the best we can receive from
life belongs to the few.

…..Always humble,


Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Finding our bodies

Families, blood ties, all our bonds are disappearing, breaking, falling apart, divorces rising.

Different, new kind of connections are developing: virtual ones.

Networking, connecting us…yes. But without our bodies, which instead we strongly need.

Whereupon we look for wild holydays (holy, not holi) in remote places or worse (I let you decide
what worse is).

To find our bodies again. Maybe even to feel life (life, not alive) again.

…..Oh my…oh my!

….Always humble,


Monday, 5 October 2015

Our double power

One is invisible (vital), the other is visible (mechanic).
The remedies we intrinsically possess to treat our diseases derives from the invisible one. The origin
of our diseases is mainly inside men, not just outside.

External influences condition the invisible, intimate power and let diseases prevail: to proper treat a
patient a  doctor should cure his invisible injures as well.  

…..Always humble,


Sunday, 4 October 2015


Our entire world is made of pure energy, needed for eveything.

Any day something wonderful can happen to you, think about it.

Because of this energy.

If you don’t realize it, you aren’t breathing with the rhythm of your life, you aren’t living.

That same syntony is telling you to not separate the sacred from the profane: equal energy resides
in both of them, they're both part of us.

…..Always humble,


Saturday, 3 October 2015

The hidden power of our soul

Always try to live in the best possible truthful way.
This capacity is inherited in our nature.

Be indifferent to indifferent, meaningless things and your whole world will certainly be better if you
follow your soul.

…..Always humble,


Friday, 2 October 2015

The biggest happiness

The more satisfying joy doesn’t rely on never making a mistake, on never falling, on never being wrong.

On the contrary: we rejoice the more when lifting, standing and walking again AFTER a fall.

Be thankful for your mistakes: we never fail, we just learn, to be even happier afterwards.

…..Always humble,


Thursday, 1 October 2015

How do you feel?

If you are tired or worried, ask yourself if you feel angry, sad, annoyed…..

Sit down, relax, don’t do anything: just concentrate on yourself. Realize what your feelings are, because to understand a problem you should first understand your emotions towards that problem. So you can separate your feelings from it.

By doing so you’ll also find the solution to your trouble.

……Always humble,


Are we truly in control of our lives?!

Our free markets have generated plenty of prosperity, like never before.

But can be manipulated: everybody knows the Great Crash of 1929 and the Dark Age following, which lasted till WWII. It didn’t happen again in 2007/2009: governments intervened promply (worldwide) this time. Bur recovery has been very slow and State debts have risen.

So many were looking for easy money: TOO easy (same mistake happened when buying internet / Companies). Irrational exuberance, euphoria: banks knew authorities would have intervened to maintain the economy and flow of credit. In some cases even for bailing out the same banks (too many) and enterprises!

FOR THAT “LIFEBELT” WE SHOULD BE GRATEFUL. Even if you think that “risk-takers” (generally speaking) expected the governments would intervene to protect them and consequently taking greater and greater risks. Because the alternative was another Dark Age.

So…..we need to give free rein to fiscal authorities to take aggressive steps in case of financial crisis: one Great Depression has been more than enough! It must not happen again.

…..Always humble,
