Friday, 9 October 2015

Climate change

Catastrophic hurricanes and warmer ocean waters are becoming more and more regular news.

I hope we aren’t getting used to. What’s really at stake? Our civilization. Many of us don’t know our history but the climate has been stable just for the last 10,000 years. Now it’s getting unstable again, because of our fault this time: the equilibrium as we know it is disappearing. It all started in mid-1950s and now the impacts are obvious: chemical pollution, air pollution, massive loss of species and habitats and….climate change.

Which is the more troubling? Change of climate, because it leads to loss of the entire equilibrium. Forests, savannahs, coral reefs (already bleaching), grasslands, fish, mammals, bacteria, air quality, ice cover, temperature, fresh water availability, productive soils. Everything!

The planet’s adaptive capacities are terminated. Nature will adapt, we won’t. We think / pretend we will, but we won’t. Forests are showing signs of absorbing less carbon, oceans are rapidly acidifying harming fish, global temperatures keep rising: the saturation point is reached. The only problem is that human evolution is slow, very slow compared to nature evolution. So there won’t be extinction, but surely massive starvation (in Africa deserts are already constantly expanding).

My only point is this: are your kids comfortable with that future?!

Because I am NOT ! !

…..Always humble,


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