Saturday, 17 October 2015

Plastic oceans

We must be aware of one thing: so far the oceans have saved our lives absorbing carbon dioxide, which otherwise would have already killed the planet. We can’t see it, but it’s there. The proof of what I’m saying is water acidification and more algal species producing more toxins. Along with increasing acidity the oceans are warming. But that’s not the end of the story, even if it could be more than enough! We throw in them plastic and pollutants.

In the frigid Arctic waters low temperatures allow a further increase in acidity and shelled creatures literally dissolve in corrosive conditions. Let’s all remember that the marine food chain starts from them. The oceans are the harbingers of our life cycle. There’s a very worrying FACT (measured by U.S. NOAA): the rate of CO2 increase has never been higher during the past three years.

These are the facts, like them/it or not. Having said this and considering currents move waters around the whole globe, no single nation is less affected than others. But some pollute more and those have more responsibility. This might go on forever: which is more reckless than others?

That’s the point. There are no others, them or us. No more. The planet is dying. The sooner we “accept” it, the better. No more blame: now only action remains, but this could be too easy, actually.

In reality it’s where the challenge lays. It’s tremendously difficult, because I don’t see the actions needed, do you?! Hence, what can we do? You already have the answer: each SINGLE time you can change your little something, go for it! If we collaborate all together, things will change.

My next car?! An electric one. And my plastic bags are all compostable. Change your attitude.

….Always humble,


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