Wednesday 30 September 2015

Migrants and refugees

America is an immigrant society that has in the past and continues to absorb  people arriving from different part of the globe. For us, Europeans, this is a new experience. We once were migrants ourselves: we shouldn’t forget this. These people come to their new home, which today is nothing less than the entire world, becoming more and more a melting pot.

They arrive with the culture and language of their origins and the hope of making a new life. Transforming our societies into reality means working in a context where the migrants and refugees MUST pick up our culture. And we, like it or not, MUST pick up theirs.

In this phase it is common that we feel confused, but this is the seed of a future prosperous society: we must have faith! Because this is just the beginning, as they run from wars, hunger, desperation, misery. These migrants groups will be followed by others, many other communities and they will be examples of the contributions made by them to enrich our society.

This is our world, today. A smaller and smaller village.

…..Always humble,


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